At Long Way Homestead we work hard to increase accessibility to our events and products, we also have reconciliation and anti-oppression as key values in both our personal lives and business.

We have worked to implement a few tools as part of our commitment to challenging privilege and with that we recognize that financial resources should not be the determining factor for folks that want to access farming and textiles education, information and experience. Our sliding scale model for all workshops and classes is one tool, our land reparations and our new mutual aid bursary fund for Field School and the Fibre Artist in Residency program.

We contribute funds to the bursary from our own profits from field school, we also have a mutual aid option for others to contribute to the bursary fund when they purchase a workshop or class on their own. To contribute to the mutual aid fund check it out here.

We will offer the bursary on a year round basis to any online or in-person event at the farm as the funds are available. Please read below for more details of the bursary fund and how to apply:

Who can apply for the bursary?
Anyone who identifies as a member of a group facing barriers to equity including but not limited to indigenous, BIPOC and racialized people, people with disabilities, members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.

What is included in the bursary?
The bursary can be used towards the full or partial cost of the residency or workshop/class depending on what is needed and available, please indicate in your application how much bursary you are seeking.

How are recipients chosen?
We will prioritize those applicants that require a full bursary (living in poverty) and those that experience multiple barriers to equity. We hope to have enough bursary funds for all those that apply, we will keep all applications on file if there are more applications than funds available, and we will work to grow the fund to allow for increased participation of our community.

How are funds added to the bursary?
We contribute funds to the bursary from our own profits from field school, we also have a mutual aid option for others to contribute to the scholarship fund when they purchase a workshop or class on their own. To contribute to the mutual aid fund check it out here.